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Believe: Shine as a light (Philippians 2:12)
Belong: Walk in the light (John 12:35)
Aspire: Let your light shine (Matthew 5:16)

Courage Compassion Curiosity

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Contact Details


The Brailes Local Academy Council can be contacted through the governance professional –


In addition, parent governors are often available on the school playground at the beginning and end of the school day. They would be more than happy to chat about any issues that parents would like to bring to the attention of the Local Academy Council.


The nominated governor for Safeguarding is Revd. George Heighton.


NameRoleAppointed ByStart DateEnd Date
Lois SelfChair of LACFoundation9.11.202116.05.2025
Chris ShepperdFinanceLAC17.05.202116.05.2025
Jeremy DyerCommunityLAC25.9.202324.9.2027
Revd. George HeightonSafeguardingFoundation17.09.2018Ex-officio
Heather ChildsHeadteacherEx-officio01.09.2016Ex-officio
Dave MorrisStaff GovernorStaff19.05.202419.5.2028
Rachel LockeParent GovernorParents17.09.202116.09.2025
Lee RileyParent GovernorParents2.10.20231.10.2027


The governance professional is Lisa Mansell.  She may be contacted via the school office. 


There are 0 employees whose total benefits exceeded £100,000.  


The Trust's annual report and audited accounts and articles of association can be found at


Details of The Stour Federation's Members and Trust Board Directors can be found at
