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Believe: Shine as a light (Philippians 2:12)
Belong: Walk in the light (John 12:35)
Aspire: Let your light shine (Matthew 5:16)

Courage Compassion Curiosity

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School Uniform


School uniform is required.  We expect all pupils (and staff) to take pride in their appearance and look smart at all times. 


You can order our school uniform by clicking on the Shop icon above. You will need to register and create your own username and password. 


Most school uniform items can be purchased in high street shops and supermarkets. No items need to have the school logo.


To avoid ordering the incorrect size and then having to pay for the return post, pupils can try on samples of the uniform at school to determine the correct size required as sizing differs from one company to another.   Delivery is made free of charge direct to school on the second and fourth Monday of every month or to your home within 5 working days for a small delivery charge.  If you do not have access to a computer, you can pick up an order form from the school office and order by post paying by credit or debit card.


Girls – light blue polo shirt (Reception and Key Stage 1) or white shirt and school tie (Key Stage 2), grey skirt, pinafore or trousers/shorts, royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan, white, grey or black socks or grey tights, black shoes (not boots).


Girls Summer – light blue gingham dress or gingham playsuit, blue cardigan, grey or white socks, black shoes (not boots).


Boys – light blue polo shirt (Reception and Key Stage 1) or white shirt and school tie (Key Stage 2), grey shorts or long trousers, blue sweatshirt, grey socks, black shoes.


PE and Games – Blue T-shirt, navy shorts, pumps/trainers (a warm tracksuit and football boots/trainers are required for winter months).


Children in Nursery and Reception need wellies in school all the time. Children in other year groups are asked to bring in wellies on Forest School and outdoor learning days.


Also available although not compulsory are blue book bags, sports kit bags, showerproof reversible fleece, cap and beanie hat.


Please make sure all items are labelled clearly.  No nail polish or jewellery other than stud earrings should be worn to school.  Earrings should be removed for PE and Games lessons.
