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Believe: Shine as a light (Philippians 2:12)
Belong: Walk in the light (John 12:35)
Aspire: Let your light shine (Matthew 5:16)

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Science Intent

To provide our children with a strong understanding of the world in which they live whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them to think scientifically, to gain an understanding of scientific processes and also an understanding of the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.

Science Curriculum Narrative

Science programmes of study in the national curriculum are assigned to year groups. However, this is not compulsory and they must be covered before the end of the phase. Physics is not formally introduced until Key Stage 2. However, in Rabbits Class, children have opportunities to explore natural phenomena, such as shadows.


In Curriculum 22, the names of the science projects are matched to the national curriculum aspects, for example, Living things and their habitats and Earth and space. However, in Rabbits Class, the aspect of Animals, including humans has been separated so that children study humans before expanding to explore animals.


The science projects are sequenced to develop both children’s substantive and declarative knowledge, and if possible, make meaningful links to other projects. For example, in Cycle A, the projects Plant Nutrition and Reproduction and Light and Shadows are taught alongside the design and technology project Greenhouse and the art and design project Beautiful Botanicals. These links allow for children to embed their substantive knowledge in new and often real-life contexts.


The sequencing of projects ensures that children have the substantive knowledge and vocabulary to comprehend subsequent projects fully. Each project’s place in the year has also been carefully considered. For example, projects that involve growing plants or observing animals are positioned at a suitable time of year to give children the best possible opportunity to make first-hand observations. Within all the science projects, disciplinary knowledge is embedded within substantive content.


Squirrels Class

In Understanding the World: The Natural World aspect, the children will explore the natural world, find out about plants and animals in their local environment and explore habitats worldwide.  Throughout the year, children will learn about the features of plants and learn the relevant vocabulary. They will observe how plants change and explore growth and decay. The children will plant seeds and explore germination of seeds before planting in the class vegetable garden and caring for the young plants so that they can collect their own harvest of healthy snacks. They will sow seeds and then after the plants and flowers produce new seeds they will collect some for the children to plant in the following year, fostering a secure understanding of life cycles within growing things.


Children will learn to identify common features of animals, what they need to grow and survive and how to care for the animals that live in their local environment. They will learn about the features of woodland animals and explore how wild animals differ from pets. They will experience life cycles through direct observation of the changes within life cycles of either tadpoles, butterflies or chickens. The children will also visit a local farm in the Spring term to meet the lambs and ewes that eventually graze in the fields adjacent to the school. Through their own experiences they observe and comment on the growth and development that they see. This knowledge will be built upon by learning about nocturnal animals and their features. 


Over the year, children will learn about the seasons, seasonal change and weather (linked to fieldwork). Within this, children will explore and describe the phenomenon of rainbows. 


Children will develop their understanding of materials and their properties, including floating and sinking. The phenomenon of shadows and reflections will be explored and investigated.


Rabbits Class

In Cycle A, children start the autumn term with Everyday Materials, linking this learning to the design and technology project Shade and Shelter. In the Human Senses project, they learn about parts of the human body and those associated with the senses.  In the spring term, children learn about the uses of materials in the spring project Uses of Materials and begin to understand changes of materials through simple physical manipulation, such as bending and twisting.  The spring Plant Survival project explores survival, with children observing what plants need to grow and stay healthy.  In the summer term, children study the project Human Survival, learning about the survival needs of humans, before expanding to study animals within their habitats in the project Habitats.


In Cycle B, the autumn term begins with the project Plant Parts. They finish with the project Animal Parts. In the spring project Seasonal Changes, children learn broadly about seasonal changes linked to weather, living things and day length. linking back to their knowledge about body parts and senses and identifying commonalities.  Finally, in the project Animal Survival, children bring together previous learning about plant and human survival, thinking about what animals need to survive.


Owls Class

To start Cycle A, children study electricity by creating and recording simple circuits in the project Electrical Circuits and Conductors. They also build on their knowledge of the properties of materials, identifying electrical conductors and insulators.  In the spring term, properties of materials are revisited in the project Forces and Magnets, with children identifying magnetic materials and learning about the non-contact force of magnetism. They also begin to learn about contact forces, investigating how things move over surfaces. Science learning about rocks and soils is delivered through the geography project Rocks, Relics and Rumbles.  Children begin to link structure to function in the summer Plant Nutrition and Reproduction project, identifying the plant parts associated with reproduction and water transport. Children finish the year with the project Light and Shadows, where they are explicitly introduced to the subject of light, with children learning about shadows and reflections, revisiting language from Rabbits Class, including opaque and transparent.


In the autumn of Cycle B, children learn about healthy diets alongside the autumn term design and technology project Cook Well, Eatwell. Having learned about human body parts, the senses and survival in Rabbits Class, children now focus on specific body systems and nutrition in Key Stage 2. They learn about the skeletal and muscular system in the project Skeletal and Muscular Systems. This learning again links to other animals, with children identifying similarities and differences.  In the spring term project States of Matter, children learn about solids, liquids and gases and their characteristics. They understand how temperature drives change of state and link this learning to the project Misty Mountain, Winding River, in which children learn about the water cycle. Up to this point, children have had many opportunities for grouping and sorting living things. In the spring project Grouping and Classifying, children recognise this as ‘classification’ and explore classification keys. In the summer term of Cycle B, children learn about the digestive system, again making comparisons to other animals, in the project Digestive System. The second autumn term project Sound introduces the concept of sound, with children identifying how sounds are made and travel. They learn and use new vocabulary, such as pitch and volume, and identify properties of materials associated with these concepts. 


Badgers Class

In the autumn term of Cycle A, children broaden their knowledge of forces, including gravity and air and water resistance, in the project Forces and Mechanisms. They revisit learning from design and technology projects, including Making it Move and Moving Mechanisms, to explore various mechanisms and their uses. Their knowledge of gravity supports the autumn term project Earth and Space, so they can understand the forces that shape planets and our solar system. They also develop their understanding of day and night, first explored in the Rabbits Class project Seasonal Changes.  Science learning about classification is delivered through the spring term geography project Frozen Kingdoms. In the spring term, children also build on their knowledge about electrical circuits from Owls class, now learning and recording standard symbols for circuit components and investigating the function of components and the effects of voltage on a circuit in the project Electrical Circuits and Components. In the summer term project Properties and Changes of Materials, children revisit much of their prior learning about materials’ properties and learn new properties, including thermal conductivity and solubility. To this point, children have learned much about reversible changes, such as melting and freezing, but now extend their learning to irreversible changes, including chemical changes.  


In Cycle B, the final body system children learn about is the circulatory system and its roles in transporting water, nutrients and gases in the autumn term project Circulatory System.  Having learned that animals and plants produce offspring in earlier projects and studied plant and animal life cycles in Sow, Grow and Farm, children now focus on the human life cycle and sexual reproduction in the spring term project Human Reproduction and Ageing.


In the summer project Light Theory, children recognise that light travels in straight lines from a source or reflector to the eye and explain the shape of shadows. Finally, in the project Evolution and Inheritance, children learn about inheritance and understand why offspring are not identical to their parents. They also learn about natural selection and how this can lead to the evolution of a species.


Throughout the science scheme, there is complete coverage of all national curriculum programmes of study.
