Maths Intent
Children acquire a secure and deep understanding of core fluency facts which can be applied to a wide range of calculations. They confidently make links through small steps which enables them to reason and solve problems, explaining their thinking using mathematical vocabulary. Children collaborate and are resilient learners leading them to build confidence and experience success in this interconnected discipline.
There is the equivalent of five daily Maths lessons each week. As with English, this can be flexible to suit the learning occurring in class that week. A Retrieval Practice→Clarify→Practice→Extend→Review model over several lessons works well, giving opportunities to provide further clarification through whole class teaching followed by specific practice. The aim is to move children towards independence, so careful scaffolding of support is in place, with the responsibility slowly shifting over to the children for their learning.
We use retrieval practice to deliver starts of lessons and develop arithmetic skills based on CLIC - Counting, Learn its, It’s nothing new, Calculation.
We follow the The White Rose Maths long term and medium term plans to deliver the Maths curriculum.
Children are expected to develop ‘Total Recall’ of basic number facts. Through tests children earn badges to show how they are acquiring knowledge and to celebrate how they are challenging themselves to be successful. Children can attempt tests as often as they want to and are encouraged to persevere.
We use Mathletics as an online tool to support homework. Classes set individual homework at an appropriate level each week.
Numbots (Reception and Year 1) and Times Tables Rockstars (Year 2 - Year 6) are also available for home learning.