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Maths Intent

Children acquire a secure and deep understanding of core fluency facts which can be applied to a wide range of calculations. They confidently make links through small steps which enables them to reason and solve problems, explaining their thinking using mathematical vocabulary.  Children collaborate and are resilient learners leading them to build confidence and experience success in this interconnected discipline. 

There is the equivalent of five daily Maths lessons each week. As with English, this can be flexible to suit the learning occurring in class that week.  A Retrieval Practice→Clarify→Practice→Extend→Review model over several lessons works well, giving opportunities to provide further clarification through whole class teaching followed by specific practice. The aim is to move children towards independence, so careful scaffolding of support is in place, with the responsibility slowly shifting over to the children for their learning.



Mastering Number at Reception and Key Stage 1

This programme focuses on the key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1. The structure of the programme is based around four short sessions each week, aimed at developing children’s fluency and flexibility with number. 

This project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention will be given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.

Taken from


In Key Stage 2, we use retrieval practice to deliver starts of lessons and develop arithmetic skills based on CLIC - Counting, Learn its, It’s nothing new, Calculation.


We follow the The White Rose Maths long term and medium term plans to deliver the Maths curriculum.  This Scheme of Learning provides a yearly framework and small-step progressions for each year group, in accordance with National Curriculum expectations.  It is underpinned by the principles of a Mastery curriculum, which recognises that children’s chances are maximised if they develop deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts.   It is taught through a series of blocks containing carefully sequenced objectives in order that children’s understanding will develop gradually, with opportunities to recap prior learning.   
Pupils are guided through new learning by their teacher, with an emphasis on mathematical talk, encouraging use of questioning to unpick the structures of maths and deepen links and understanding in learning. 
Independent practice allows pupils the opportunity to put their learning into practice themselves, seeing the transference of new skills and knowledge from their teacher to each individual.  It centres on varied fluency, exploring maths in a range of real-life situations, drawing on different methods and approaches to strengthen and enrich learning concepts.   
Reasoning and problem solving creates opportunities for children to apply their knowledge and understanding.  A mixture of open and closed questions allows pupils to explore a variety of possible solutions and grow in their appreciation of the range of different acceptable outcomes.


Children are expected to develop ‘Total Recall’ of basic number facts. Through tests children earn badges to show how they are acquiring knowledge and to celebrate how they are challenging themselves to be successful. Children can attempt tests as often as they want to and are encouraged to persevere.



For homework, Y1 and 2 focus on their use of Times Table Rock Stars to embed key facts and begin to enter into the rhythms and routines of learning at home. KS2 use White Rose Learning Journals to support families as they celebrate and extend their child's learning at home, working to consolidate already taught units of the White Rose mixed age scheme. KS2 children will also use TTRS at home, building their fluency alongside the Total Recall badges to ensure that they are finger tip quick.
Numbots (Reception and Year 1) and Times Tables Rockstars (Year 2 - Year 6).


