Who’s Who
CEO – Mr. Hilton
Headteacher – Mrs. Childs
Squirrels Class Teacher – Mrs. Cassettari and Mrs Childs
Rabbits Class Teacher – Miss Wilson
Owls Class Teacher – Mrs. Smith
Badgers Class Teacher – Mr. Harcourt
Trust SENDCO - Mrs. Pang
Office Admin Assistant - Mrs. Hayes
Teaching Assistants
Miss England
Mrs. Giorgio
Mrs. East
Miss Greaves
Mrs. Saunders
Mrs. Parmenter
Mrs. Godwin
Mrs. Emmerson
Mrs. Andrew
Mrs Hinchliffe
Breakfast Club Leaders
Miss Greaves
Lunchtime Supervisors
Mrs. Emmerson
Miss Greaves
Mrs. Parmenter
Mrs. Saunders
Miss East
Mr. Griffin
Sports Coaches
Mr. Hibberd
Mr. Clifton
School Cook
Mrs. Hunt
Mr. Morris
Mr. Griffin
The school car park is for staff only and visiting professionals between 8am and 5pm. Parents are asked to park courteously on the surrounding roads, respecting driveways of local residents and businesses. Where there is a registered disability or medical need, the school hope to accommodate parents at drop off and pick up times.
Families are encouraged to use the Village Hall car park for parking. Please do not park on the roadside directly outside school as doing so makes it dangerous for children and families walking, dangerous for the children getting off the school bus, dangerous to other road users and difficult for the residents who live opposite school.