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Believe: Shine as a light (Philippians 2:12)
Belong: Walk in the light (John 12:35)
Aspire: Let your light shine (Matthew 5:16)

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Religious Education

Religious Education Intent

Coventry and Warwickshire SACREs worked together to agree on a syllabus that promotes good, effective and thought-provoking RE across both city and county; a syllabus that both builds bridges and engages with the aim of peace and reconciliation as pupils explore
matters of faith, spirituality, religious community and moral issues. The syllabus has been prepared by the ‘RE Today’ team, members of both SACREs and practising teachers in Coventry and Warwickshire.


It is our intent at that all children leave with a deep knowledge of the six principle religions whilst appreciating that many people hold secular views also. We intend to enable pupils, through RE, to develop their knowledge and skills to prepare them for life in a modern, diverse Britain.


We use ‘Big Questions’ to challenge and engage children to develop their communication and debating skills alongside their knowledge and to apply what they have learnt to their own lives. Themes of Believing, Living and Expressing are explored. The ‘Big Questions’ link through different threads and are planned to build children’s knowledge and skills as they progress through each Key Stage.
